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Detailed below are some of my favorite commercial video projects.

My TRUE Story

My TRUE Story was part of a rebranding campaign from TRUE centering our consumer and the different reasons to everyday carry. With TRUE you can tackle any task without having to quit, disrupt or postpone your daily activities all within the palm of your hand or bag. My TRUE Story explores the importance and ways TRUE assists our consumers in that goal.

Meta Quest

This commercial is one of my favorites because of my role as director and co-writer. The spot was made as part of a competition for Meta Quest in which we won the award for "Boldest Idea". 

Motion Sensor Night Light

Similarly, the MSNL commercial is one of my favorite projects because of my role as director. Our original director caught COVID at the last second, so I had to step in and was proud of my team for creating what we did considering the circumstances.


Redline 6K

The Redline 6K commercial is one of my favorites because it was aired in a Cinemark Theatre in Plano. This was my first ad to play in a theatre so watching it on the big screen was an amazing validation of my work over the years.

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Lifestyle Images

Above are my favorite lifestyle product images ranging from flashlights, knives, power banks, fans, mosquito zappers, fitness equipment and more.

Flashlight Madness Banner.jpg

Flashlight Madness in March

Think you can guess NEBO's top sellers? Build your bracket and vote on your favorite NEBO lights to earn up to $50 in rewards! Influence the bracket by purchasing our great deals and voting on social media @nebotools. Track your bracket weekly; the better your bracket does, the more you earn.

Landing Page

These web banners feature all our deals as they go head-to-head in a matchup of NEBO products. 

Along with the Official Bracket and Division lineup sections, these banners gave the Flashlight Madness in March campaign our most engaging landing page of any campaign in NEBO brand history.


Social Media

The Flashlight Madness in March campaign utilized Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook voting to influence which lights moved on the next round.

The campaign also featured a variety of advertisements primarily on Facebook and Instagram. 

TRUE Rebrand

My role in the rebrand for TRUE included developing guidelines for product photography and videography. Part of this was creating assets as examples and guidelines for the future of the brand.


Black Friday

As part of NEBO's Black Friday campaign I took studio photography to match our display and social media ads. These pictures were also featured on the website and social media pages. to feature NEBO's bundles and sales.

Emergency Essentials

The emergency preparedness campaign photos showed our products alongside other emergency prep items

Emergency-Essentials Mypal.jpg

Father's Day

For NEBO and TRUE's Father's Day campaign I took studio photos of various bundles and products portraying the type of person who would everyday carry each product.

Hero Images

Created hero imagery for brand sites, dealer sites, and Amazon. Products include flashlights, knives, multitools, power banks, fitness equipment, and more.

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